ServerSettings.ini file
This article will be fairly massive and snippets have been taken from the Offical Wiki - for any detailed settings please view our detailed section area for specific server settings and our control panel!
Title | Setting | Description | Examples | Useable |
Player XP Rate Multiplier | PlayerXPRateMultiplier | This multiplier affects all types of XP that players receive. You can use this to adjust player progression for all activities. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Player XP Time Multiplier | PlayerXPTimeMultiplier | In Conan Exiles, players receive XP passively over time, simply for surviving. This multiplies the speed at which players receive this XP. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Player XP Kill Multiplier | PlayerXPKillMultiplier | This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for killing monsters and players in Conan Exiles. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Player XP Harvest Multiplier | PlayerXPHarvestMultiplier | This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for harvesting in Conan Exiles. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Player XP Craft Multiplier | PlayerXPCraftMultiplier | This multiplies the amount of XP that players receive for crafting in Conan Exiles. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Day / Night Cycle
Title | Setting | Description | Examples | Useable |
Item Spoil Rate Scale | ItemSpoilRateScale | Affects the length of time that foods will last before spoiling (smaller values means longer spoiling time). |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Harvest Amount Multiplier | HarvestAmountMultiplier | Multiplies the amount of resources gathered when harvesting. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Resource Respawn Multiplier | ResourceRespawnSpeedMultiplier | Multiplies the speed at which resources respawn after being harvested. |
Yes (05.11.2018) |
Land Claim Radius Multiplier | LandClaimRadiusMultiplier | This increases and decreases the radius at which land claim is applied. This affects the respawn of resources and NPCs as well as the ability of other players to claim nearby land. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Title | Setting | Description | Examples | Useable |
Crafting Speed Multiplier | ItemConvertionMultiplier | This multiplies the speed at which items can be crafted. Note that using a Wheel of Pain to convert Thralls is considered crafting. |
Yes (01.19.2018) |
Title | Setting | Description | Useable |
Chat Local Radius | ChatLocalRadius | Determines how far local chat will broadcast around a player. | Yes (01.19.2018) |
Global Chat | ChatHasGlobal | Allows/disallows global chat. | Yes (01.19.2018) |
Max Message Length | ChatMaxMessageLength | Sets the max number of characters in a chat message. | Yes (01.19.2018) |
Region Access Control
Title | Setting | Description | Useable |
Region Block List | RegionBlockList | These settings use an IP lookup to determine the connection country of origin and prevent those regions not flagged for access from connection. Country codes can also be manually added, using the two letter codes from the list here |
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